Monday, November 24, 2014


I wasn't expecting Kira to be the next one to go on the critical list. After all, Arbee is the oldest, and Neelix has had cancer for a year. Even Chatterbox is older. But about three weeks ago, something completely sucked her personality out of her.

Three vets have no answers. Everything in her body checks out fine. So it must be a brain tumor. And she has all the symptoms of that, walking in circles, restlessness, bumping into things, just wanting to sleep and hide. She doesn't hear me go into the laundry room anymore. She doesn't ask to go out. She doesn't remember to eat unless you put the food under her face. She might use the litter box if you put her in it.

How could she have changed so much in just three weeks?

An MRI to detect a brain tumor is $1,000 or more. And there's really no affordable or humane treatment. When the last vet told me what she thought, I asked her what do people usually do? She said they reach a point where they can't stand the walking in circles part, sometimes it goes on all night, the pet never sleeps. And when you can't bear it any longer, you put her down.

She was such an affectionate cat, and had such a rough start in life, abandoned to live in the woods and kept having litters before she was even two. (We actually have two of her sons.) Finally, I just took her away from her so-called owner, catnapped her one afternoon. Between the parasites, fleas, July heat, and lack of food, she was about to die anyway. She was cross-eyed and losing her fur.

So I don't know. We'll see how much of this we can survive. Both of us will try.

(Jan. 2015 -- After two courses of Prednisone, she seems to be her old self again. She took her last pill of the prescription last week, so we'll see if the symptoms come back.)

The first week with us.

And she turned into this.

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