Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Third Rejection

My brother's agent, or one of them anyway, rejected my book after reading the entire manuscript, or an assistant read it while she was on vacation. She said cat books aren't what her clients know her for anyway. This would have been a shortcut, but on the positive side, this takes me out from under having to be grateful to my brother if the book sold. Now I have to prove I can do it on my own.

I just wonder how you do it. Many trips to the post office, I gather.

Kira has a tapeworm, I think. My husband said he saw white moving things in her stool. I can't afford a vet trip, found a "prescription strength" pill that cost $23 for three of them, so it better be good. Kira seems to already feel better and plays like a kitten sometimes.

Monday, August 07, 2006


When I saw the mother of Seven and Sula, I had to take her home and get her some food. She was so small and frail looking.