Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Brothers Run a Vet Bill on Routine Stuff!

I tried a new vet, Allied, which is the second closest to our house, and it wasn't particularly a warm and friendly place. They have great hours, all day Saturday and Sunday evening, but now I suspect the vets may not be there then. It may just be for pick up and dropping off at the attached kennel.

I got the usual chilly response when I confessed to having eight cats. Why do I keep doing that? I turned down the fecal exams and ear cleanings, but caved in to the FELV shots when all I wanted was rabies. Got distemper shots, too, and they say Sulu has a tapeworm. You'd never know it by his size. So that meant two courses of tapeworm medication for both him and Seven and a flea and parasite medication, and the warning that all the cats need it. Just the flea part would be $100 for all of them. As it was, the bill was $315.

After we came into a small inheritance before Christmas that paid off Chatter's vet bills, now I find myself back in the hole. This is definitely the problem with too many cats. If I had one, I could indulge it with everything the vet had to offer. With eight, I have to pick and choose.

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