Sunday, November 19, 2006

Another $100 Invested in the Tail That is No More

Friday afternoon, my husband got home from work to find Chatter had gotten his collar off and pulled out a couple of stitches, leaving his wound open on the corner and looking like an oozing jelly donut. I was hoping he was exaggerating, but when I got home, I conceded we had to go back to Lakeside. Another $100 to have him restitched. At least these stitches look tighter. And he got a plastic cone and some painkiller liquid.

The plastic cone keeps him from opening his mouth, it is so tight. When he got home, he squatted in front of the food bowl, his plastic cone sitting in the food, but there was no way he could position himself to actually reach food or even open his mouth. We took it off.

A little while later, the vet called and asked how things were going, even though we had just been home a little while. I told her about the cone and food problem. "Oh yeah, you can take it off for him to eat."

Actually, he hasn't worn it since. Even my husband thinks it is too harsh and has him back in the soft cone. We are going to find some Velcro somewhere and try to redesign it so at least he can open his mouth.

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