Sunday, October 15, 2006

Another Rejection

I got a two sentence form letter from the Barbara Braun Associates, Inc. literary agency, and they started the second sentence with "But." Isn't that really one sentence? "Thanks for submitting your proposal, but I'm afraid I receive many submissions, and I can only represent a limited number of them." Instead she starts a second sentence with the "But I'm afraid..."

I guess she's an agent, not a writer. Her signature, and scratching in my full name and the date in the fill-in-the-blank-areas, looked like a much older woman still using an ink cartridge pen.

Meanwhile, my brother sends me the Web site of the New York Literary Agency, referred to him by one of his persistent fans who thought it would be good for my book. You fill in a Web site form as a query. Well, that makes it easier. But within hours, I get a form letter reply asking to see the whole manuscript. I do a Google search on this agency and find a forum complaining about it. They like everyone's manuscripts, and pretty much sign everyone to a contract, wherein you have agreed to get critiques, editing help and a Web site, all for fees, as part of the process of just trying to find a publisher. They even take Paypal. How convenient.

So I guess I will pass on them.

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