Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Two New Ones

BeeGee has been sleeping inside for nearly a year and a half now after a year of being just a neighborhood stray that came by for food. She summers in a cardboard box under my desk and winters in a walk-in closet. I can tell the seasons have changed because she moved into the closet recently. She still always thinks she wants to go out, but after an hour or two changes her mind and runs back to the door. I know she wants me to pick her up and bring her in when she turns her back to me and doesn't run away. She has not socialized with any of the other cats still. No confidence. Has yet to explore the rest of the house. Just knows how to get to this kitchen stool, the closet, the front door, or the box under my desk.

Mackie was the neighborhood stray who came for breakfast and dinner for nearly three years. Unless he's actually the cat we called Sylvester who was coming around since 2004, and then stopped. Is this Sylvester or a relative? Anyway, March 2014 I managed to grab him and cage him and get him fixed. After that success, I would try to grab him again on spring rainy nights and bring him in. He'd hide under the sofa. Then we got to the point where if I slept on the sofa, he would come up and sleep on it, too. Now he sleeps in our bed and doesn't care much for going out, and it's only been about seven months. He has not left our yard since he moved in. We think he used to live in the attic of a rundown garage across the street. He is a very affectionate cat. Lots of head butts and cuddling with his ear to my heart.

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