Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Outlook Isn't Brilliant for the Catville Eight

Seven developed a hematoma in his ear, which required surgery, a drain, and actual buttons sewn into his ear. $288.00

Neelix has survived his cancer a year now, but his bimonthly checkups runs about $356.

Something has gone wrong with Kira. She's been lethargic for three days. But her temperature is normal, nothing seems to be amiss, but the vet I like the very least -- and the only one open until 7 p.m., wanted $422 to do bloodwork, test for leukemia, do some kind of cholesterol and vetscan, urinalysis, pancreatic lipase, cystocentesis, etc. It was late on a Thursday night. I just couldn't stand it. I need Kira to pull out of this on her own somehow. Or I need to talk to the vets I like first. We settled on a pencillin shot, dexamethasone, and a hydration for $156, which got done so quickly, I wonder how much fluid she actually got. She just wants to lay on the heat vent. She eats and drinks if you bring it to her, pees and poops if you put her in the box, but doesn't yell about going outside, doesn't prance around the house, doesn't do anything.

Meanwhile, Seven's cone, drain and buttons came off and he seems to have a permanently disfigured ear now despite all the buttons.

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