Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cat Tail Injury Part 2

I think my husband overreacts, maybe because he's never had children. I just don't want to run to the vet with every new development. Let's see if the cat gets obviously worse, or maybe it will get better on its own! But my husband gets wound up and I end up riding along on the panic train.

So we've spent another $78 on Chatterbox's tail with no real reason. The cut had turned into what looked like a big raw area, probably because he was licking it and pulled a scab off. So they shaved his tail completely and want him to wear one of those collars. They gave us two more bottles of antibiotic and a cleansing lotion and said to come back in four days.

That's crazy. I'm not paying for another office visit after only four days unless he is dramatically worse. Four days isn't enough time to get even a little better. Maybe when we're done with the antibiotic and it still looks bad.

My husband keeps trying to put that collar on him -- we had one from last time Chatterbox was hurt, so I saved $15 on that -- and he keeps pulling it off. The first time he got one leg through it and was walking crazy, with one leg in front of the collar and one behind. The second time he got both legs through it so the collar was sitting at his waist like a skirt. At first, he couldn't walk out of a room with it on because he couldn't turn a corner.

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