Saturday, July 25, 2009

Grieving Merly

The night Merly was dying my husband had band practice and he didn't cancel it. During Merly's frightening first seizure, I could hear the music and laughter downstairs.

He can compartmentalize his emotions. I suspect most men can. But the fact that they can turn it on or off doesn’t subtract from the sincerity of the emotion. I believe he did hurt. That’s something women don’t understand about men. We tend to marinate a long time in our emotions. I can sustain being unhappy, depressed, bitter, angry, or revengeful. I can wear it like a floppy hat obscuring my face. I can manifest positive emotions as well, but their shelf life is much shorter.

All through the month that Merly was slowly melting away of whatever killed her (cancer, pancreatitis, FIP, does it matter?) he could sit with her and look profoundly sad, and then he could go downstairs and watch television…or sleep at night. He could talk about other things. He could do other things. I could only huddle around the cat, frantically trying to figure out a way out of this for both of us. At the end, I couldn’t even go to work. I stayed huddled with Merly for the last three days, day and night. I didn’t sleep. Sometimes she would look at me like, “Please go away so I can die. You know I can’t do it with you staring at me.”

Last night, after sitting silently over bowls of soup at Panera, I finally asked him the question that had been irritating me like a bug bite since the incident happened. “After you saw her have the seizure, why didn’t you say let’s take her to Carytown and have her put down?”

When band practice ended and his friends went home, he came back upstairs where I was sitting with Merly on the sofa. The seizure had been over for about an hour, but she was trying to push her head under the sofa cushion and was gently paddling her feet. I told him what had happened, and he immediately folded into sadness and sat next to her, petting her. After awhile, he said, “I think she’s trying to climb off the sofa.”

So I picked her up and put her on the floor, arranging her body like the Egyptian Sphinx. She briefly held her head up, then started wobbling, and then horribly, the second seizure started. “Don’t touch her,” my husband said alarmed, but we both moved to the floor and hovered over her, our palms open as if we were trying to catch the seizure and toss it away as it bounced over her body. After it ended, she was again limp and exhausted, and didn’t seem to notice us anymore, or care. I thought for sure my husband would say, “Grab your purse and keys, we have to go to the vet now. It’s time.”

Instead, he said he was going to bed. And he did. And he slept.

I picked up Merly and went downstairs to the futon where we had been restlessly sleeping for the last five nights. Every morning when the sun came up, Merly would lift her head for another day. So many other nights when she had gotten so still that I thought she was gone, I had been wrong. Maybe I’d be wrong again. So we bundled up together on the futon and waited.

There would be eight more seizures that night before the dawn. You could set your watch by their regularity. Sometimes I thought I should jump in the car and drive to the emergency vet by myself and be done with it. I knew he would be upset when he found out, but if he couldn’t make the decision, someone had to. But then I couldn’t either. The seizure would end and she’d be peaceful again, asleep and breathing quietly. I would think, okay, that’s the last one.

But it wouldn’t be the last one. By 3 a.m., the craziness set in. Maybe it’s not a tumor, but a cyst that is breaking open, and once it drains, she’ll be all better? She’ll wake up her old self! This is just the poison leaving her body! All is well!

That trickery lasted for a couple of seizures. Then I went to negotiations. God, end this. End this or cure this. I want a dead cat or a well cat right now. Work a miracle. You can do it! You are God! Do it. What good is being God if you don’t do stuff like this? Now, now, do it, now!

That didn’t work either, although the seizures from 4 a.m. on were less violent. Her head didn’t shake. Her mouth didn’t open. Only her legs would paddle furiously, like she was running somewhere. Then less furiously, slowing down to a trot, like she was arriving somewhere.

The sun came up. I could hear my husband upstairs waking up. Another day had started. The cat was still breathing, although asleep. Her body was strangely warm in places, cool in others. I kept checking her. If I rubbed an ear, it would twitch. If I rubbed a paw, it would flinch. Or maybe that was my imagination. My husband came downstairs.

“How is she?” he said, ready to be sad. I dully, bitterly reported the eight seizures, the night of no sleep. He just said, “oh, man.” He petted her for a while, and then he was able to switch it off again, go upstairs and start the coffee. I hoped all the normal morning noises would provoke a response in the cat. It’s morning! Breakfast time! Lift your head again like you do every morning when you hear his voice! Like you did yesterday!


I wrapped her in a towel and moved her upstairs to my bed. Now that she had survived another night, it was my turn to get some sleep. My husband could watch over her. Her body felt limper than usual, but it was still warm and she was still breathing. I put her head on the pillow and pulled the blanket up to her chin. I went in the kitchen to get a donut and went back to my bed. That’s when I noticed the look.

I had two cats die on me years ago, one at age 18 and one at 17, both at home, and I knew right away it was a dead cat, not a sleeping cat when I saw them. Their mouth opens just a little. This look was different than the one she had when I went for the donut. I tried rubbing the ears, the paws, nothing moved now. She was still warm in parts, cool in others. I couldn’t see breathing anymore. The vet had said to watch the eyes at the end. I shined a flashlight in her dilated pupils and they didn’t contract. They didn’t move. My insides starting folding in on me like a collapsing house of cards.

I went to the front door and opened it. My husband had just finished watering the bushes and was talking to the neighbors. I let him be happy until the neighbors drove away. He turned around and saw me in the doorway. I couldn’t find the words, but I guess my flailing hands and collapsing face said them for me. He ran into the house.

I did my crazy act. “Maybe it’s a coma. You think it’s a coma?” But he was realistic. “She’s gone. She’s gone.” And we cried, again hovering our hands over her like we could catch her spirit leaving and stuff it back in. For the rest of the day, we solemnly went through the ritual. Finding a box. Deciding where to bury her. Getting the shovels and picks together. Picking up favorite items to put in the box with her. Looking at photos of her and printing them to put inside the box, photos of us with her so she wouldn’t forget us.

He was able to turn the ritual off long enough to go to McDonald’s and get us food, food I couldn’t taste although I tried to eat it. Then we went to the woods for the burial, a story in itself for another day, and it was over. I haven’t seen him cry since and he’s been fine, like it was something that happened a long time ago to someone else. That is, until I asked him the question at Panera’s.

“After you saw her have a seizure, why didn’t you say, let’s take her to Carytown and have her put down?”

The muscles in his face started moving like there was an earthquake under his skin. His facial features sucked themselves inward as if I had literally punched him. It all happened in a fleeting half a second and I would have missed it if I hadn’t been looking right at him. The emotion exploded and was contained that quickly. He put his head down so I couldn’t see anymore and mumbled something that sounded like, “I couldn’t…”

I quickly changed the subject because that had been answer enough. Maybe that’s how men deal with strong emotion. They compartmentalize it; they turn it off. It's the instinct of war where you can't mourn a fallen comrade for even a second because the battle continues all around you and you have to continue. They’re able to, in the face of a painful decision, just not make it and go to bed. And sleep. He had left that hard decision to me, knowing with my high threshold for pain and drama, even if I couldn’t make it either, I could endure the consequences of our not making it. I’d take care of it. I’d absorb it all and suck the pain right out of the air for him.

I’ve read about couples who lose young children. It is very difficult to keep the marriage together after that. The divorce rate is high, as if the only way to escape the memory is to escape the relationship that created the child that died. I had a friend whose marriage collapsed after their son died. I look at the marriage of John and Elizabeth Edwards and know they were damaged irrevocably when their son died, and nothing they’ve done since has fixed it for them, not having more children or running for President, or even having an affair.

I have to accept that we mourn differently. He can put his pain away and be happy again. If I keep poking at it, I can force him to hurt and cry for me, but as soon as he can, he’ll shut it down and move on. The first weekend after Merly died, he went away with friends to play music and swim in the sun. No one will talk about the cat there. If he had stayed here with me, we would talk about Merly, because I’m wearing the pain like a big floppy hat that gets in the way of everything else I need to do. I would want to talk about what we did wrong; what we should have done; the clues we missed that she was sick. I would rehash it over and over, even though I can't change the outcome now. Even if I said nothing, he can tell by looking at me that I’m thinking about it.

He doesn't want to do that. He wants to live his life. That is not a bad thing.

If I keep wearing this misery hat, eventually he’s going to forget that it’s about the cat and think I’m just a miserable person in general. Another woman will come along who is happy and laughing, and she will seem like a much better person to be with, and he will be right. She’ll be able to taste and enjoy food, laugh at bad jokes, want to go out with his friends, and embrace him without thinking that the last time they hugged, it was over the cat. Never in her life will it ever cross her mind to blame him for making her sit alone through the night, through eight seizures, because that will not be in their history.

Maybe it’s women in general or maybe it’s just me. Maybe realizing how we’re different and accepting it is half the battle. He’s going to be all right. I need to take off this hat and put it in its own box.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

From the Book: Introduction to Merly

This is an edited, past tense excerpt from the chapter of the book where I introduced Merly.

Whereas our cat Red is light and nearly flies when she walks, Merly was the opposite, obese and waddling, with short gray hair. Merly originally and unfortunately was named Booger, a kitten acquired by a woman who soon discovered she was pregnant, so my sister-in-law volunteered to find Booger a home. Booger was in bad shape, sickly and afflicted with fleas, worms, mites and runny eyes. Everyone who offered to adopt Booger promptly rejected her when they saw her. So my husband took her.

Bobby’s sister had renamed her Merlin from the King Arthur stories for reasons no one knows, yet spelled it Merly and pronounced it “Mer-lynn,” the emphasis on the second syllable. Bobby acquired Merly around the same time as Red, so they became playmates and groomed each other until their kittenhood wore off. After that, they paid no attention to each other.

We called her “Mer-lee.” She needed a lot of attention to survive and she got it and remained devoted to my husband. She was briefly a normal sized cat until she was fixed (and discovered to be pregnant during the operation, as was Red.) She not only didn’t lose her baby weight after losing the babies, she gained weight until her legs nearly disappeared. She ate any brand or flavor of cat food, which may be why she was so fat, but with six others competing for food, I don't know how she maintained her size over the years.

She liked going outside, but it didn't take much to make her frantically want to come back inside where she was perfectly happy to sit in view of the food bowls or look out the window. We figured she knew she couldn't move very fast, so she stayed aware of anything that might possibly require a fast get-away and got away before it had to be done fast. She reminded me of a possum.

When we lived in the rental house, she slept on top of our bed's bookcase headboard because there was a window there that looked out over the woods. When we moved to the house we bought, she slept under the bed. She was very needy sometimes. She wanted to be in the bathroom if you were, in front of the computer if you were working on it, next to the sofa if you were watching TV. She followed us around, asking the same insistent question which we didn't understand. I think she just wanted us to stop walking and sit down. She was especially insistent about this when I got out of the shower. She desperately needed to sit on my chest when I was warm, damp and smelled like soap.

The last couple of years, she stopped doing most of that except still maintained a vigil on the dining room table so she'd be first to inspect the food bowls when they were refilled. If she wasn't hungry, she had a favorite window. And whenever I spread the bills out on the breakfast bar and brought out the checkbook, she wanted to sit on the bills and rub her face against my pen. That was very annoying because until she tired of that game, I couldn't get anything done.

The last favorite thing she did was roll. When she was outside, she'd roll on the warm cement and wiggle.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Merly Leaves Us

Merly died on the morning of July 15, 2009. She was between 13 and 14 years old. I will write more about her later. It's just not possible now.